Article review

In the Innovative Learning and Teaching module, I read several articles about online learning and teaching. I found the article "Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age" by George Siemens to be very helpful in understanding how people learn and interact with information in today's digital age. This article discusses how learning theories are changing as technology and knowledge are rapidly advancing. The author explains that traditional learning theories were created in a time before technology had a major impact on learning, and may not fully account for the complexities of modern learning situations.
         George Siemens has a really cool idea about how people learn, especially in today's world with computers and the internet. He says that just learning facts isn't enough anymore. Instead, he thinks that learning is all about making connections, like how friends and family are connected. He says that when we learn, we connect with lots of people, things, and technology, and that's how we get smarter. He also says that there are four important things to remember about learning this way: everyone has different ideas, it's important to find special information, we should keep our connections strong, and it's cool to see how different things are related. Using these ideas in school can help us get ready for learning with computers and the internet. The article also talks about how computers and the internet can help us learn by giving us lots of information, helping us make friends and learn new things, and solving problems.
  George Siemens says that there is a lot of information being made very quickly, and it doesn't stay important for a long time. This is changing how people learn and use information. Learning without a teacher is becoming more important. Also, people are changing jobs more, learning while they work, and using technology in new ways. Siemens has a cool way of thinking about learning with computers. It's helpful for us to understand how we learn and use information. These ideas are really important because technology is always changing the way we learn and use information. When I teach my students about new technology, it could change how they learn and use information. I now get that because there is so much to learn and it changes so fast, students have to learn in new ways.


  1. Hi Dilnavoz. You reviewed the article very well thank you.


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